Key information about IP ratings, LPF and more

If you are wondering what an IP rating is, or how to diagnose a fault with your oil or gas burner or hot water boiler, our FAQs might help. If you don’t see what you are looking for, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help you.

Q. Do your listed prices include GST?

A.  No. Our prices shown exclude GST. Please be mindful that GST of 15% will be added onto each product when you checkout.

Q. What is IP Rating?

A. This is an international two digit rating of protection. The first digit is for solid objects and the second digit corresponds to liquids. Click Here for More Information

Q. I am using LPG , how many bottles are used?

A. This is a challenging question Click Here for 45kg Twin Pack COP,  Click Here for Multi Cylinder Install COP, Click Here for Multiclyinder Maintenance COP

Q.I have a fault with my Ecoflam on/off diesel burner. Where can i get more details? 

A. fault finding chart click here

Q.I have questions about electrical work near gas installations? The link below may help

A. https://www.worksafe.govt.nz/about-us/news-and-media/electrical-work-near-gas-installations/



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